"Nak beli gajus??? Kite jual murah je. Setengah kilo RM18 je tau, mana dpt kalu beli kat luar." Itulah kata2 aku pada orng/kwn2 seperjuangan di MIEL. Alhamdulillah.... laku la jugak hasil jualan gajus ni. Ada la rezeki kat situ sikit walaupun tak lumayan, tp Alhamdulillah... Allah bg jugak rezeki kat kami.
Kisah termulanya jual gajus ni terjadi (sambil mengimbau kisah lalu) semasa kami pulang dari Maybank. Masa tu dah nak masuk senja, tiba2 kwn Mr. Suami suruh berenti "Mu... nak kaceng?" Dia tanya kot2 kiteorng nak beli gajus dr dia & dia minta tolong we all jual la.
Lepas tu we all pun start la jual pada kwn di tempat kerja masing2. Mr. Suami ni tak tau mcm mana nak start jual. Sbb hasil jualan Mr. Suami kurang memuaskan, aku pun amik langkah sewajarnya dgn mengambil gambar gajus tu dan email tu Mr. Suami together dgn khasiat gajus sekali. Alhamdulillah sambutan membanggakan + rasa gajus tu mmg sedap sehingga tak cukup jari tuk dijilat.
"Ni la contoh gajus yg kami jual"
Di bawah ni adalah khasiat2 gajus:-
1) Diet and Weight Management - Cashew nuts do have a relatively high fat content (12 grams per ounce, 2 grams saturated fat), but it is considered “good fat.” This is due to the agreeable fat ratio in the nut, 1:2:1 for saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated, respectively, which scientists say is the ideal ratio for optimal health. ashew nuts are considered to be a “low-fat” nut. In fact, cashew nuts contain less fat per serving than many other popular nuts commonly found in grocery stores and health food stores, including almonds, walnuts, peanuts and pecans.
2) Cardiovascular and Circulatory Health - no cholesterol.
3) Magnesium - 82.5 milligrams of magnesium per ounce, or 21 percent of the daily recommended value of the heart healthy mineral, which also protects against high blood pressure, muscle spasms, migraine headaches, tension, soreness and fatigue.
4) Antioxidants - helps the body utilize iron, eliminate free radicals, develop bone and connective tissue, and produce the skin and hair pigment melanin.
5) Diabetes - cashews can reduce triglyceride levels in diabetics, protecting them from further complications.
6) Gallstones - According to the Nurses' Health Study, looking at the dietary data of 80,718 women, integrating at least one ounce of nuts a week, such as cashews, gives women a 25 percent lower risk of developing gallstones.
7) Dental Health - chemicals in cashew nuts kill gram positive bacteria, a pervasive mouth affliction that causes tooth decay, acne, tuberculosis and leprosy.
So, mcm mana??? Berminat?? Kalu dkt leh kami hantar. Kalu jauh tu...hmmm tau2 je la kan.. harga mesti lebih sikit kecuali beli byk.